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for Freelancers

The Money Clarity

Tackle your money demons, beat your blind spots, and learn how to make intentional choices in your business finances

More freedom was kind of the whole point of freelancing, right?
But then…. money got in the way.

You were supposed to be out there exploring, bagging peaks, creating work you’re proud of, and planning your next adventure… not standing at the base of Money Mountain wondering when you’re finally going to be able to conquer it.

And yet… these things are an all too common part of striking out on your own and building your business:

Wondering if you’re making enough, or ever will, so that you can finally feel safe in your finances.


Ignoring your systems (whatever they may be) for another month because you just can’t force yourself to face what feels like a monstrous undertaking.


Using the “what everyone else seems to be charging” method for setting your pricing, which always leaves you feeling anxious and confused.

Considering whether starting a business was even a good idea in the first  place, because money’s your Achilles heel and you have no clue where to start.

Stressing about savings   /  Googling tax advice   /  Getting behind on basic bookkeeping

not part of the dream.


But guess what? This all makes sense, and conquering that mountain is completely possible.


After all, nobody ever taught you how to balance your books or create a pricing model! (“Unpacking money beliefs” probably wasn’t on the agenda either.)


But just like you learned to ski, take epic photos, or develop your craft, you can learn how to set up a practical and profitable financial foundation.


You just need some better equipment.

We all love nature, but your money mindset and skillset have to be nurtured

If any of these sound familiar, you don’t have to stay stuck.

You’re not sure that you even deserve to earn a healthy income based on your craft, despite the fact that you wish you could


You end up browsing full time jobs because you’re scared to pull back the curtain on your freelance finances


You feel shame about wanting to earn more… but also don’t even know how to


You defer to your client to tell you how much your work is worth, even when that means getting bullied into a lower rate


You’re terrified of tax season because you have no idea if you’re managing your money correctly… and are afraid to find out

The money baggage we all (often subconsciously!) carry around is a mix of what we believe, what we’ve been told, and what we’re afraid we don’t know.


But with support that unpacks the emotional stuff and sets you up with actionable tools, you can flip the script on these old narratives and get back to building your business with confidence.

Where You Want to Go

Money clarity = money confidence = money freedom

When you finally tackle your finances, you can trade anxiety for the adventure that lights you up. 

Think back to the original vision that got you excited about charting your own path.


Was it the thought of spontaneously traveling and exploring on your own schedule?


Was it the goal of supporting yourself without having to burn daylight in an office?


Was it the dream of someday being able to turn around, look back at the career you created, and say, “I did that, I built that, and I never gave up”?


It’s time to regain control and reconnect with that vision.


To say NO to bad fit clients and working yourself to the bone, without worrying you’ll never cash a check again. To say YES to making business investments and taking actual time off, knowing you’ve built strategic and intentional systems that have your back.


All you need is the courage to begin. 


The Money Clarity Course for Freelancers

Manage your mindset, sharpen your skillset, and finally build a business that sustains you

The Money Clarity Course is your one-stop destination for mastering your money so you can run your business instead of having it run you.


This isn’t a quick fix but an intentionally designed course for true transformation, helping you first reshape your mindset around money and then implement new tools, templates, processes, and skills to grow your business sustainably.


You’ll learn to:

Master your mindset

Rewrite your beliefs around money so you can let the shame go, take control of your finances, and reach your earning potential as a freelancer.

Get clear on the numbers

Create a business model with a clear pricing structure that’s aligned with your values and grounded in meeting your financial needs.

Manage your money

Implement practical, doable, and systematized processes to manage your money, taxes, and expenses like a business owner.

After working your way through the course, you’ll be on your way to:

Breaking out of the boom and bust cycle of freelancing


Feeling proud of what you’ve created without the pain of wondering if you’re going to be able to keep it going


Grounding yourself in the steadiness that comes from a healthy savings account, a clear pricing structure, and a solid understanding of your numbers

Course Outcomes

You’re 100% capable of mastering your money.

Take it from people who have been there:

"Justine showed me that I can take the guesswork and uncertainty out of everything business finances-related.

I never had formal business training and never thought much about money before becoming a freelancer, so using money templates and frameworks has made a huge difference in my work. The tools Justine shares—including exercises, spreadsheets and even language to use with clients—make it SO much easier to run my freelance business like a business I'm proud to share with the world!"


- Angie, Writer, Speaker, and Events Producer

What you won’t find here? Generalities, vague advice, or super technical tools that require an MBA to understand

Here’s how the curriculum sets you up for success


In this first module, we’ll uncover your learned beliefs around money, wealth, and entrepreneurship to successfully align what you believe to be true about money and your ability to manage your business finances.



  • Tackle your counterproductive narratives and beliefs around money

  • Create new perspectives anchored in your values that allow you to make money without guilt or shame

  • Free yourself from the stories around money that make it impossible to earn a good income



In Module 2, we’ll work with the end in mind, helping you understand what a values-driven life requires financially, both in your business and in your day to day life.



  • Get clear and detailed about the kind of life you want to live and what financial support is required to get you there

  • Create the basis to work from to identify your hourly rate

We'll meet for our first 90-minute Money Talks coaching session after this module on April 24th at 3pm EST/12pm PST.



In this module, we’ll dive into how pricing services and products are different and why this matters to you as a freelancer. We’ll outline all of the ways you can price your services and what factors you should be taking into account.



  • Understand the key factors to take into account for your pricing and how to present this information to potential clients

  • Shift your pricing models to focus on the value you provide, not just the time it takes to complete



In this module, we’ll identify your hourly rate based on your business and personal expenses and the life you’re looking to create for yourself. We’ll explore the impact of how you’re currently pricing yourself so you can make intentional choices moving forward.



  • Examine what options you have to get your ideal pricing and current pricing to match

  • Walk away with a clear sense of what your hourly rate should be, one rooted in the life you want to live

We'll meet for our second 90-minute Money Talks coaching session after this module on May 22nd at 3pm EST/12pm PST.



In this module, we’ll examine the psychology of pricing, taking into account how language, presentation, and research can facilitate conversations with clients around rates and pricing.



  • Build confidence in your communication with clients thanks to new scripts, templates, outlines, and research backed tools.



In this module, Certified Professional Accountant Dezerae Magelssen breaks down all of the essential bookkeeping tools you need to be able to run your business, plan your finances, file your taxes, and track your business growth.



  • Learn all the ins and outs about the financial systems every freelance business owner should have in place to run their business

  • Explore the nuts and bolts of choosing an LLC vs Sole Proprietorship, paying yourself, doing your taxes, tracking expenses, and writing items off

We'll meet for our final 90-minute Money Talks coaching session after this module on June 26th at 3pm EST/12pm PST.


The Money Clarity Course is a holistic experience for long-term money confidence in business

Your enrollment in The Money Clarity Course includes:

6 modules of research-backed business finance education, from big picture concepts down to the nuts and bolts of bookkeeping


Expert instruction from a Certified Coach, pro-freelancer, and business owner (that’s me!) as well as a Certified Professional Accountant

Three monthly 90-minute accountability and coaching sessions with fellow course participants to take you deeper and keep you on track 


Hours of content to dive into each topic, with complete lesson transcriptions to help with information capture


Exercises to complete with each module to apply right away—no more learning without implementing!


Practical tools, templates, and calculators tested by 100+ people (and counting!) to take the guesswork out of your finances


A private Slack community with current and past participants to ask questions, build accountability partnerships, and share insights





$250 each


I’m Justine, your guide in the adventure of freelancing
Because you don’t have to go broke trying to make it your way

And let me tell you—your way doesn’t have to be the hard way, either. After freelancing in the action sports industry for 7 years and barely making ends meet for my first 3, I know how challenging expectations vs. reality can be. It takes a toll to be plagued by negative money narratives, avoid the long term questions, and neglect your business finances. But I made all of the big mistakes and learned all of the hard lessons so that you don’t have to! 

I created the Money Clarity Course specifically for freelancers in the outdoors industry, because what works for other businesses doesn’t necessarily work for the adventure you’re on. Since 2019, I’ve helped hundreds of clients just like you build sustainable creative businesses by helping them tackle the uncertainty, ambiguity, and secrecy involved in freelancing in the outdoors industry. I fundamentally believe with the right tools and support, you can create a long term, sustainable business that actually makes money and funds a life that feels good to you.


See you inside!

Questions? Let’s clear the fog and chart your course together.
I’ve got answers (and trail snacks).

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