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Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator

Learn what no one taught you about landing new clients.

With the Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator, you'll join a community of outdoor industry freelancers, creatives, and small business owners to land more clients and grow your business. 

Does this sound familiar?

You feel stuck trying to land new clients

You’re not looking for hand-outs- you’ve already taken a ton of risks, learned from your own mistakes, and taken the necessary steps to make progress as a freelancer.


But sending out pitches to strangers, risking rejection, getting ghosted, or being forced to lower your prices just to get a foot in the door is hard enough to make you wonder if this is even worth it…

And there’s only so much Google can teach you…


A freelance business that actually creates freedom?

Imagine feeling in control of your business growth and not at the mercy of that dreaded client feast and famine. You would actually feel free to spend time offline, to say NO to clients that aren’t a good fit, and to prioritize the kind of work that lights you up.

You’d have systems in place to make landing clients feel easy. You’d have a clear understanding of who your ideal clients are, how to position yourself to create trust with them, and an effective outreach strategy to bring them into your ecosystem. You’d hop on the phone, feel confident that you’d make fantastic partners, and that they’re actually going to accept your proposal (like they said they would)!

It’s built in partnership with right-fit clients who understand your value.

Ever ask yourself...

"Why is freelancing so hard?!"

Create your personalized game-plan with the right tools and the right posse.

You’re not a “bad freelancer”. You just don’t have the right tools or the right team. Let’s fix that!

You don’t need to do it alone or do it the hard way to do it right.

Learn research-backed methods, create your personalized strategy, and practice in community to land new clients.

The Freelancer Client Accelerator is a 4-week program to help you tackle the biggest mistakes freelancers make when trying to land new clients. By combining group conversations, research-based methods and templates, and the accountability of our community, doing outreach to grow your business is something you’ll actually feel confident doing.


What Clients Have to Say

Cecilia Roy Snowdrop Creative_edited.jpg
This accelerator was SO MUCH MORE than I had expected/hoped!

So many amazing insights and so much valuable info. This has definitely changed the way I’m doing business and plan to do business going forward. I loved the combination of in-person weekly meetings, homework, and the Slack channel. I just wish it was longer!!! Love this group.

Cecilia R.  |   Designer & Marketing Strategist, Snowdrop Creative

Hit pause on being lost and at the mercy of elements.

Hit play on taking control and landing new clients.

With the Freelancer Client Accelerator, maximize your client outreach by applying research-backed sales psychology, created-for-you templates, and your special sauce to land your ideal clients and grow your business.


Each session tackles a specific topic that builds on the previous week’s and can be found in detail below:

Perfect Positioning

Session 1: October 2nd at 12pm EST/9am PST

In week 1, we'll ensure that you're speaking clearly to your ideal client by perfecting your positioning statement and messaging. We'll use pre-made tools and templates to help you bring language to what makes you unique, valuable, and the right choice for your client.

Are you communicating who you are and what you do clearly? You may not be!

Clear Client Acquistion

Session 2: October 9th at 12pm EST/9am PST

In week 2, we'll dive into the Client Acquisition Cycle to identify what clients require in order to trust us enough to hire us.  We'll discuss how to leverage various forms of outreach, including referrals, and adapt pre-made language templates to land new clients.

Do you understand how your clients choose to hire freelancers? If you're like most freelancers, you probably don't.

Strategic Outreach

Session 3: October 16th at 12pm EST/9am PST

In week 3, we'll create your new bespoke client outreach strategy anchored around your ability to demonstrate your value. We'll personalize various templates and tools to help you create and implement an outreach strategy you'll actually use.

How much time do you spend on outreach? Chances are, this is something you're avoiding like the rest of us!

Leadership in the Partnership

Session 4: October 23rd at 12pm EST/9am PST

In week 4, we'll reframe our thinking about what it means to be an expert and learn how to take leadership in the Client Discovery and Onboarding process. We'll use established Discovery Call templates to create your personalized processed to establish client trust, build your confidence talking about money, and finally close these clients.

If you're like most folks, you're probably deferring leadership to your client... and it's not paying off.




Are you a member of a traditionally marginalized group?
We have sliding scale spots open for you so be sure to reach out to



I’m Justine, your guide on this client acquisition journey.

I’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts, and made the mistakes, so you don’t have to.

Freelancing is hard and I would know! In my 7-year career as a freelance events producer in the action sports industry, I made all of the mistakes you can make. But the one thing I was surprisingly good at? Landing new clients. Through constant experimentation, risk taking, and bold moves, I was able to work with every single client on my “dream client” list. Not bad for a person who hated sales!

Now, I’m combining that personal experience with extensive research in marketing, sales, and business development  along with crowdsourced information from past and current clients, to help you land your dream clients.

I believe in democratizing information that no one taught us about freelancing and strengthening our community by sharing best practices, strategies, and contacts. 


I’ve helped hundreds of clients just like you build successful creative businesses in the outdoors industry.

So, are you ready to do this?

Not entirely sure if this is the right fit?

No problem! Let’s help you see if this is a “hell-yes” or a no!

  • The Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator is for folks excited about and committed to growing their business while co-creating a new network of support and momentum in the outdoors industry. If you're ready to ask yourself some hard questions, reshape your mindset,  and get serious about building an outreach strategy that sustains your business, you're in the right place.


    And if this program doesn't feel like a "hell yes!" to you, it may not be a good fit and that's okay! After all, there is no such thing as a “hell-maybe”.


    Contact me so we can find you a better fit, whether that's a different option I offer or another coach to recommend instead.

  • The Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator is a great fit for newer freelancers looking to develop an outreach strategy that actually works.  However, it's not a great fit for product-based business owners or for folks who have never worked with clients before.

  • The Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator is a great fit for experienced freelancers who have tried a bunch of different outreach plans but are struggling to maintain a steady stream of clients and grow their business. You're looking for the tools, templates, and accountability to develop and implement a strategy that actually works for you!

  • The Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator is a 4-week online program with no in-person components. Participants are expected to attend and participate in each session and complete all homework assignments to make the most of our time together.

  • Sessions will be recorded but the power of the Basecamp Freelancer Client Accelerator comes from being in attendance, doing the work in real time, and building relationships with fellow freelancers for accountability and support. For this reason, if you think you’ll miss more than 1 session, it’s probably best to wait until you can attend another time.

Still have questions? 

Great! Reach out to Justine for more information.

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